New Features:
- Check enrolled courses and expired orders : Allow a professional way to enroll student and activatation of course.
- New Course List Module : A New list layout to display selected courses. You can use it anywhere on a module position.
- Module Course: Add link to Category that course belongs to, show teacher's Avatar
- Mailchimp integration for offline payments : Now offline paid students also get an option to subscribe newsletter.
- Strip Payment: support Japan Yen currency
- Support Invisible captcha in Register Page
- Create email template option for courses
- Mod Search Course: Results page will navigate to another page
- New Changes for Guru Courses Module: add Layout Advanced Option
Bug fixes
- Teacher can not upload Course cover image
- Last Viewed Lesson
- Module Course: SEO function & active menu doesn't map correctly
- The router of Guru doesn't set in right Menu Item
- JA Login module is not working on guru page
- Site is hanged on after open a lession with a video
- Got notice error when search courses
- [guru] Got type error on course page
- Can't close window when view a lession
- Some error on Stripe payment
- Teacher - Create Course: Can't click to switch tabs
New Features:
- Teacher registration :A User can Become Teacher from frontend.
- New menu type My Account : A new Menu item My account is added to login on site and show user account information in Guru
- Mailchimp integration improvements: Each course has the option to Add Mailchimp API list to add subscriber based on course
- CC JSON export: For payments in Guru, To use this Open Guru admin > Settings, API - Order details.
- Teacher Registration Menu : Registration menu will show direct registration form.
- Incorrect average quiz score : Improvement in average quiz score calculation
- Add Language selection option for Guru Course Category: Each category has option to select language package install in Joomla.
- Back end: New Page Certificate List : A new certificate page added to see certificate reports
Bug fixes
- [Veritrans] Rollback URL is wrong
- [Veritrans] Payment success but Status Payment is not changed
- Veritrans Payment: Course still in the Cart event Payment done
- Veritrans Payment: Use Promo Code, still have to pay the original price.
- Number question of final exam is wrong
- Certificate List: The list might be add link to some attribute
- Certificate List: get error when click to view PDF
- [Veritrans] Payment with Promo code is not count correct
New Feature
- Paypal Pro payment options
- Certificate Reports
- Add address fields in strip plugin
Bug Fixes
- Stripe Payment: Disable Checkout button to avoid error
- Stripe Payment: Course still in the Cart event Payment done
- Certificate: Get error when view details
- Certificate: Some option of Course Information doesn't work when student get certificate
- Backend: Payment link to wrong plugin
Bug Fixes
- Open Graph tag improvements for course page
- Course edit: Add Exercise must have noticed for file type acceptance
Bug Fixes
- Time issue on certificate
- Set Course category to Public, can't Category in Course Category list
- Attach media in quiz not working
- Pending orders shouldn't count into Revenue
- jwallvideos Plugin compatible
- Backend add audio
- Media: Save & new doesn't validate the Teacher field
- New Feature: change 'status' actions
- New Feature: More options for how many time that quiz is taken
- New Feature: Create a module for search Guru courses
- Improvement : Add "+ Copy Question" button inside quizz edit form
- Bug fixes: Front-end: No message after finish order
- Bug fixes: Course: Can't view detail if Set ACL to Course's Category
- Bug fixes: Teacher Page: Get JS error after login & go to Teacher Page
- Bug fixes: Course detail: Get error when try to add Exercise
- Bug fixes: JS error when add quizzes
- Bug fixes: Show password not working in login form
- Bug fixes: change certificate path
- Bug fixes: very slow load on category view
- Bug fixes: Time left not reset each time retake the quiz
- Redirect to 404 page if URL to courses and categories is wrong
- Fixed issue: can not upload images with Guru and "JA Allure" template
- Fixed bug: teacher register form hidden on mobile
- Fixed issue - can not upload xls doc files
- Enhancement: separate administrator editors for certificates, one for each HTML and PDF views
- Added price "space" separator for thousands and decimals. You should go in administrator and change separators as per your needs
- Added category ACL
- Fixed issue: wrong student redirect page after course completed
- Changes for Offline Payment plugin
- Changes and fixes for Jump buttons
- Fixed some issues with student retake final exam
- New language variables for quiz retake action
- Fixed issue with JCE Editor don't save media text
- Limit number of users that can enroll for free to a course
- Fixed issue: can not add media text from lesson page, in front-end
- Fixed issue: wrong number from quiz attempts left.
- New Feature: option to display courses based on categories in Guru Courses Module
- Fixed some issues with quizzes languages on sites multi language
- Load JS files asynchronous
- Fixed issue: can not order course lessons in course
- Fixed issue: Remove Super User group for add/edit new students on backend.
- Fixed issue: user do not receive the registration email
- Added some new language variables for Quizzes
- Fixed issue: can not open project from teacher page
- Fixed some issues with retake quiz after pass the quiz
- Added course tabs ordering and default active tab
- Fixed issue: edit teacher account, change the avatar and save, change teacher status to disabled
- Fixed some issues with student quiz results