Created: 11 June 2015
Added more Quiz types:
- Single Choice
- Multiple Choice
- True/False
- Essay
Added a possibility to add media to questions and answers in quizzes.
Added Captcha to login form
Added links to "Forgot Password" from Login/Register page for teachers and students
Added a possibility to assign more than one teacher to a course.
Created a new module: "Courses Categories" - installed automatically with Guru
Frontend UI / UX revamp: changed bootstrap with UIkit
Fixed a bug when a course type is serialised - all at once
Fixed bugs and added improvements to Teacher Commissions System
Created: 04 November 2014
Added: Teacher Commissions System
Added: Promo Code per course feature
Fixed: Unable to create students if the joomla login form is on the same page, because of input ids conflict.
Fixed: When a lesson is deleted from the tree the student progress must be updated.
Fixed: Tooltip error stops upload buttons to show in course creation in frontend teacher.
Fixed: My categories use category title instead of alias when SEF is enabled.
Fixed: Whenever a user register in web site through front-end joomla form, guru teacher email is sent.
Fixed: When we have layout nb 1 selected for lesson, the video must be centered.
Fixed: Time zone issue in 'my courses' student page.
Fixed: Duplicate user type on teacher manager from administrator.
Fixed: You can't navigate through menus from Courses Categories in administrator area.
Fixed: Display cart view and course content on frontend - iPad size.
Created: 26 August 2014
Guru Pro
Added: Offline Payment Plugin.
Added: Emails for admin pending order notification and student approved order notification.
Changed: 'My orders' view for student, added order status details.
Fixed: Error class was overwrite from some templates
Fixed: Validate username conflict with Joomla login form.
Fixed: Selecting teachers and doing on them mass action like approve doesn't work.
Fixed: Delete orders is not reflected on amount of students.
Fixed: Validation for Terms and Conditions doesn't work for teachers and students.
Fixed: Visual problems with Frontend Teacher Interface if the template doesn't load bootstrap.css file.
Fixed: If information such as teacher, release date, students, level, etc is not published on course page top, then collapse the space ideally showing the title just above the tabs without the gap.
Updated: 02/18/2015
Fixed: item id not carried when clicking on plugins links to courses
Fixed: Stream Jomsocial from Guru not respected with the privacy access
Fixed: Guru plugin for Jomsocial cant be translate able
Created: 24 July 2014
Guru PRO
Added: New feature -Teacher Interface
Added: CSS changes of component buttons
Added: Possibility to reset everything a student did in a course
Added: Date range view of orders on orders page and an export ability to PDF and CSV files
Added: Notifications on back end for teacher activity
Added: Terms and Conditions that need to be accepted upon registration for Student and Teacher registration
Added: Option to organize all lessons alphabetically in course tree
Added: Option to select all lessons and modules and conduct mass changes
Added: Possibility to pick a teacher in mass importing videos
Added: Possibility to change 'Who can access this lesson:' on mass imported videos
Fixed: Blank modal on view orders details
Fixed: Validation on registration fields for students and teachers
Created: 11 July 2014
Added: Support for Indonesian Rupiah currency.
Fixed: Mass fetching doesn't put videos in modules in the order they're fetched.
Fixed: Edit lesson with media embedded code create white screen.
Created: 30 May 2014
Guru PRO
Added : Option Add mass videos;
Added: Option "Description mode: Tex/HTML" for layouts list;
Fixed: Re-order teachers on back end;
Fixed: Disabled teacher are published on front end teacher list;
Fixed: Price format doesn't correspond in front with admin;
Fixed: Exercises of type URL are not displayed on front on exercises tab from course page;
Fixed: Promo code wrong calculation for usage left value when an user is log out;
Fixed: Blank page when CURL function is not enabled.
Guru Light
Added: Option "Description mode: Tex/HTML" for layouts list;
Fixed: Disabled teacher are published on front end teacher list;
Fixed: Price format doesn't correspond in front with admin;
Fixed: Exercises of type URL are not displayed on front on exercises tab from course page;
Fixed: Promo code wrong calculation for usage left value when an user is log out;
Fixed: Blank page when CURL function is not enabled.
Created: 02 May 2014
Fixed Login/Register process on latest Joomla 3.x version
Fixed - upload of images with upper case extension
Changed - tabs generation on course layout page
Updated on 05/13/2014
Fixed: if an user enrolls in a course, then JomSocial stream panel will show two messages for that action instead of one.
Created: 02 April 2014
Fixed: Wrong pricing and 'total' on cart page;
Fixed: Issue with hovering over pricing page which results with duplicating the content;
Fixed: If the price have more than three digits, the promo code wasn't working like expected;
Fixed: Category layout was broken when there was no course in it;
Fixed: Some design issues with forms and buttons;
Changed: The scripts inclusion way for faster course page loading
Feature: Jomsocial and Guru integration - 4 plugins available
Created: 30 January 2014
Fixed some issues with Paypal payments
Fixed an issue with css (if customer do changes in css) when was overwritten at install.
Improved quizzes submission process.
Improved admin UI
Created: 23 January 2014
Fixed: Vulnerability in upload process.
Fixed: Sometimes the quiz result is 0 even if the given answers are correct.