New Features:
- Check enrolled courses and expired orders : Allow a professional way to enroll student and activatation of course.
- New Course List Module : A New list layout to display selected courses. You can use it anywhere on a module position.
- Module Course: Add link to Category that course belongs to, show teacher's Avatar
- Mailchimp integration for offline payments : Now offline paid students also get an option to subscribe newsletter.
- Strip Payment: support Japan Yen currency
- Support Invisible captcha in Register Page
- Create email template option for courses
- Mod Search Course: Results page will navigate to another page
- New Changes for Guru Courses Module: add Layout Advanced Option
Bug fixes
- Teacher can not upload Course cover image
- Last Viewed Lesson
- Module Course: SEO function & active menu doesn't map correctly
- The router of Guru doesn't set in right Menu Item
- JA Login module is not working on guru page
- Site is hanged on after open a lession with a video
- Got notice error when search courses
- [guru] Got type error on course page
- Can't close window when view a lession
- Some error on Stripe payment
- Teacher - Create Course: Can't click to switch tabs