Guru Pro
- Added: Offline Payment Plugin.
- Added: Emails for admin pending order notification and student approved order notification.
- Changed: 'My orders' view for student, added order status details.
- Fixed: Error class was overwrite from some templates
- Fixed: Validate username conflict with Joomla login form.
- Fixed: Selecting teachers and doing on them mass action like approve doesn't work.
- Fixed: Delete orders is not reflected on amount of students.
- Fixed: Validation for Terms and Conditions doesn't work for teachers and students.
- Fixed: Visual problems with Frontend Teacher Interface if the template doesn't load bootstrap.css file.
- Fixed: If information such as teacher, release date, students, level, etc is not published on course page top, then collapse the space ideally showing the title just above the tabs without the gap.
Updated: 02/18/2015
- Fixed: item id not carried when clicking on plugins links to courses
- Fixed: Stream Jomsocial from Guru not respected with the privacy access
- Fixed: Guru plugin for Jomsocial cant be translate able