We advise you to first try this new version on a website copy or at least do a website backup. We tested it in many ways but always is better to have a backup.
Main changes:
- New feature - Projects - Teacher can create a project and assign it to a course; student can upload project file for that course;
- Fixed: couese prices, thousands separator, decimals separator;
- Fixed: some issues with Captcha in registration form;
- Improvement: added option to manage email notifications;
- Improvement: added option on course page to reset course view lessons, quizzes and final exam for students that renew the license;
- Improvement: added option to set when course is finished, from edit course page - course is completed when...
- Improvement: added option to Add Custom URL Page if you want to redirect student to that page after course is completed;
- Improvement: adde option to set "lesson view confirmation" automatically or manual
- Fixes for Kunena Forum
- Fixed issue - changes to default language when clicking Check Out
- Fixed issue - duplicate table when printing invoice
- Fixed issue - saving user info under My Account changes the language
- Fixed issue - problem with company name in invoice
- Fixed issue - navbar in My Account disappears on tablets