Guru Updates

New Feature: Student Participation and Quiz Tacking

When we started work on the new version of Guru, version 2.1.0, we asked our customers which new features you’d most like to see. You asked for a student and quiz tracking feature. You’ve got it!


  • The course manager now shows the number of students enrolled in each course.
  • You’ll be able to click to see which students have enrolled.
  • Check where each student is in the course (right down to module and lesson).
  • Viewthe last time they visited (so you can spot the slackers — and those likely to drop out.)
  • And review your students’ quiz results so that you can see how much they’re learning.

On the front end:

  • Students can see where they are in the course
  • Students can see how they scored in each quiz, each time they took it

Quiz Tracking

In fact, that quiz tracking feature won’t just tell you the results. It will also show which quizzes each student took, as well as the score for each attempt, the dates they took it and the number of times they tried.

Coming soon…

That’s all valuable stuff that will help to ensure that your students keep learning and you keep them on your course. But we’re also working on a few more features. Keep an eye out for:

  • An export option for quiz results that will let you keep your own permanent records.
  • Quiz restrictions that let you decide the number of times a student can take a quiz, set a minimal score to pass, and make the quiz mandatory to continue, among other features.
  • Certificates that you can award your students.

Guru is already the best way to monetize your expertise on a Joomla site. We learning how to make it better still.

Guru wins “Best Joomla LMS” at CMS Expo!
New Feature: Free Courses


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