By Merav Knafo on Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Category: Development

Guru beta is here!

Thank you for singing up to be a beta tester for Guru! We’re super-excited about this extension because we’ve been working on Guru on and off for three years! We really wanted to create a training system that’s both powerful and user-friendly. It hasn't been easy but I think we did it!

With Guru, you'll be able to generate income by creating training modules for the topic of your choice. Everyone is an expert at something. Identify your expertise and Guru will help you to earn from it.

The best way to test software is always to use it. Using Guru to create our own Learning Center helped us to find a bunch of bugs and fix them already but I'm sure that there are plenty more that we missed.

You can already see Guru in action on our Learning Center (front end) and on the demo site (back end).

Our beta version is for Joomla 1.5 ONLY. We will soon start working on converting it to Joomla 1.7.

This package includes:

This package doesn’t include:

Remember, this is a beta version and should not be used on live production sites!

Here’s what we'd like you to test:

What you won’t be able to test:

Where to post your bugs/suggestions:

We’ve created special pages where you can post your bugs and suggestions:

We’re using the facebook commenting system so if you like a suggestion, just click on the ‘like’ icon. If you have the same bug, click the “like” button as well.

Thanks again for being a beta tester and we look forward to hearing from you!

Pre-order and get $30 discount

Only while Guru is in beta, we offer it for $119.99 instead of $149.99 (one year subscription), that's $30 discount. We will be updating the pre-order package every few days with a new version with bug fixes. Don't miss this opportunity to get it for the discounted price.

Note: Support is only provided to license holders.

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