Hi Gurus!

Good news! We’ve just released a new version of Guru for Joomla 2.5 with a new feature: Free Courses.

Once you've finished creating or editing a course, you can set the price to "free" – and you can even choose who gets to enjoy the gift.

That makes free courses a great way to reward current customers and tempt targeted leads.

Video Tutorial:

How does it work?

To make a course free:

A course can be given free to four classes of users:

Remember that all the lessons in a free course will be available free of charge, regardless of the permission level of each lesson.

To access free courses for guests, guests can simply click through to view the lessons. For courses restricted to members and students, users will need to enroll first. The course will then be added to their “my course” page.   The enrollment feature is important for the future development of Guru when we will allow you to track students' progress.

Get started now:

Download the latest version of Guru; it ’s yours FREE! Unzip the file and upload it – there's no need to uninstall.

Remember, this feature is not available for the Joomla 1.5 version!

What ’s next with Guru?

We are working our way through our roadmap. We will update you each time we release a new version.

Do you like Guru?

We ’d love to hear about it! Drop us an email here.